The play-based curriculum approach, including Music, Art, Spanish and Physical Education programs, encompasses the Harcourt and Learning Without Tears curriculums. The students are guided to use appropriate language to communicate effectively and positively in the classroom and the world at large. We strive to develop socially and academically sound individuals.
Welcome to School
Classroom Resources
Welcome to School
Dear Lionfish Parents,
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you back, or to our Little Schoolhouse community for the first time. We have a fun and exciting school year planned!
Here is some information about the school day:
You will receive a weekly curriculum page on Monday outlining the activities your child will be involved in during the week. We will email this as well as send the page in your child’s backpack.
In addition to our usual daily schedule the special activity for each day is as follows:
Monday – Sports
Tuesday – Science
Wednesday – Music
Thursday – Sports
Friday – Cooking
A nutritious snack and drink is provided by the school and is served family-style, mid-morning. Please speak to the teachers if you would like to provide the class with snack. It is a great way for parents to volunteer and we can offer many suggestions.
Lunch is at 12:00. Please pack a healthy lunch and drink for your child in an insulated lunch pack. We are able to do a simple “warm-up” in the microwave oven for pasta and rice dishes.
Every Friday will be Show & Tell during Morning Meeting. Children can bring in something from home that begins with the letter-of-the-week. See the weekly curriculum page for the letter-of-the-week.
Sports lessons are on Monday and Thursday with Ms. Helen. Athletic (tennis) shoes should be worn every day to school for safety and developing gross motor coordination.
Music with Ms. Mary is on Wednesday morning.
Parents of children who are not fully independent in the bathroom must provide a reasonable quantity of pull-ups and wipes to be kept at school. Please remember to re-stock the supply regularly. Keep in mind that the school policy requires that your child’s pull-up be changed as many as three times each morning depending on their daily functions.
Be sure to send a change of clothes including a school shirt, pants, and underwear/pull-ups to be kept at school in their drawer. Please label all of your child’s clothing, bags, and belongings.
We thank you for assisting our hygienic efforts by providing a box of tissues, container of wipes, hand sanitizer and mosquito repellant to be used by the children at school. Restocking each term is necessary and appreciated.
Arrival at school each morning involves greeting and occasional communication with teachers. We want to promote a smooth transition into the school day by encouraging parents to make the morning drop-off brief and cheerful.
School is open at 8:00AM for early drop-off. Most children arrive between 8:30 and 8:45AM. At least twenty minutes are recommended for settling in prior to the start of the day.
We carefully monitoring punctuality and will charge a $20 late fee to parents who are habitually tardy in the morning and afternoon.
Outside play during the arrival period is until 9:10AM. If you arrive after 9:10 it is considered late and you will be charged $20. You can avoid a morning late fee if, for instance, you have a Doctor’s appointment at 9:00 and then bring your child to school during outdoor play time from 10:00 – 10:30, while all of the children and their teachers are on the play yard.
The prompt midday collection time is 12:30, if you arrive after 1:00 it is considered late and you will be charged. The prompt full day collection time is 3:00, if you arrive after 3:15 it is considered late and you will be charged. The late fee is due immediately.
Your children and their teachers appreciate the effort so that precious cognitive functioning hours are not wasted and unnecessary interruptions are avoided. Your child’s teacher is caring and dedicated to her personal pursuits off campus as well as in the classroom.
Kindly we ask that you stay within the parameters of the enrollment option chosen for your child. If you have indicated the 3-Mornings program, for example, the days that your child comes to school are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You may not change or swap the days to suit your schedule.
We noticed last year that some families were sliding to other days without permission. If your child is unwell or has an appointment on Wednesday, for example, he may not make up the day on Thursday if he is in the 3-Morning (M, W&F) program.
With respect to the teacher’s weekly planning and in fairness to families abiding by the specific days of enrollment, your consideration to this detail is appreciated.
Friday dismissal is at 12:30 for all students. Staff curriculum meetings take place on Friday afternoons.
Please be reminded to provide us with any contact and medical information up-dates on your child’s existing file.
As always, please do not hesitate to speak with us if you have any questions or concerns. The telephone number at school is 325-3795. You can send email to Ms. Kara at schoolhousenassau@gmailcom.
We are looking forward to getting to know you and your child this year.
Respectfully yours,
Alisoun Sands
Charmine Johnson
Kara Nottage
Rhea Pratt
Mona Cartwright
Dolphins Teacher
Angelfish Teacher
Dolphins Assistant
Angelfish Assistant
Grade Two The Little Schoolhouse
The Grade Two classroom approach is interactive and hands-on. It is a stress-free, enjoyable learning environment in which the children thrive.
The Reading, Language, Comprehension, Phonics, Spelling, Science and Math lessons are anchored in the Harcourt curriculum.
In addition to Harcourt, we are experiencing great success with the Learning Without Tears handwriting technique for accurate letter formation, grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure and creative writing prompts. The students are taught to use appropriate language to communicate effectively and positively as we strive to develop socially and academically sound individuals. The children are encouraged to develop proper handwriting skills through the lessons presented. LWT aims to reinforce legible and fluent handwriting, a skill that students can easily master when in this program.
A natural extension of the LWT program is the highly anticipated twice-weekly Sentence School lesson. These specific lessons use a multisensory approach to provide a quick, active lesson to sharpen handwriting accuracy, practice and internalize sentence structure, reinforce correct grammatical usage, as well as build vocabulary and creative expression.
The Harcourt Math program is a balanced mathematics curriculum that promotes conceptual, computational and problem-solving proficiency. It provides a consistent 4-step method that includes intervention, family support, assessment, and use of technology. This ensures that we use a variety of strategies and activities to reach all students.
The Science program is also part of the Harcourt curriculum offering. Effective science integrates many opportunities to develop reading, writing, and math skills while learning about the world around us. It also features hands-on investigative opportunities as a child’s sense of exploration is nurtured. In addition, a weekly Health & Fitness lesson is a valuable integration of physical sports education, health science and social moray learning.
One of the most popular and confidence-boosting aspects of each week in the Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2 classroom is the Shared Reading program. The “big kids” read to the younger children fostering a sense of community and bolstering reading confidence and ability.
The students enjoy the RAZ-KIDS online reading benchmark program. Each student gains comprehension and fluency in reading. Students are encouraged to use the RAZ-KIDS program at home for increased practice and a way to keep a strong home to school connection involving their parents.
In our best effort to provide a well-rounded curriculum, our students also participate in the following weekly activities: Literature, Sports and Swimming, Music and Drama, Sign Language, Social Studies, Spanish, and Cooking.
Classroom Resources
Harcourt science textbooks
Harcourt science workbooks
Health and Fitness Workbooks
Usborne Beginners Science books for young readers
Evan –Moor Science Centers
Harcourt Math books
Harcourt Math practice math books
Evan – Moor Math Centers
Primary Social Studies and Tourism Education for The Bahamas